Friday, March 25, 2011

OMG, FYI, and LOL enter Oxford English Dictionary

Oh My God
In an acknowledgement of the internet's overwhelming influence on the triviality we sometimes refer to as "real life," the Oxford English Dictionary doyens have decided to add a few of the web's favorite pronouncements to their lexicon. Among them are the standouts OMG, LOL and FYI, joining their compatriots IMHO and BFF among the proud number of officially sanctioned initialisms (abbreviations contracted to the initials of their words) used in the English language. Shockingly enough, the expression OMG has had its history tracked all the way back to 1917, while LOL used to mean "little old lady" back in the '60s, and FYI first showed up in corporate lingo in 1941. Not only that, but the heart symbol -- not the <3 emoticon, the actual  graphic -- has also made it in.


Friday, March 11, 2011

Listening to Podcast has become a hobby

Listening to podcasts has been my latest hobby as listening to conversations are now more entertaining than listening to some songs from my playlist (although I still listen to some songs on occasion).

By definition: A podcast (or non-streamed webcast) is a series of digital media files (either audio or video) that are released episodically and often downloaded through web syndication. The word usurped webcast in common vernacular, the word podcast is made famous from iPod due to rising popularity and the innovation of web feeds but it can be also played on some other portable media devices as long as the format is supported.

In other words it's basically a non-streaming "radio show" which is good because you can listen to the shows anytime you want at your own convenience.

Most of the time I have been listening to a couple of shows which are: Appslappya weekly podcast dedicated to users of the Apple App Store; Filmsack a weekly podcast on which the hosts ( four of them actually) picks a movie and the host will give their best (or worst) criticism about the selected movie; and of course Good Times with MO which is hosted by DJ Mo Twister of Magic89.9 and my latest is the SEO 101 Podcast which is a podcast about Search Engine Optimization as explained by the experts. I recently wrote a blog post about SEO 101 on my Money and SEO blog elaborating the advantage of listening to the show for SEO enthusiasts.

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