For several months now, I have been reading fictional books as part of my daily relaxation and I have been reading one or two books alternately depending on my mood. Today I was able to finish reading the final book of the Dragonlance Lost Chronicles Series entitled "Dragons of the Hourglass Mage" to which the protagonist of the story is the wizard Raistlin Majere one of my favorite characters in Dragonlance series. This book is actually a "supplemental" book which takes place almost at the end of the Dragons of the Spring Dawning (which is the final book of the Chronicles series).
For those planning to start reading Dragonlance books but don't know where to start, there's a site called Dragonlance Book Guide to which helps the readers to follow the series in chronological order. I also active on a social networking sites for book readers called where you can share you book collection as well as post your reviews/opinions about a particular book.