Monday, September 3, 2007

Jose Rizal : Our very own Polymath

"What is a Polymath?"

A polymath is a person with encyclopedic, broad, or varied knowledge or learning.

The dictionary definition is consistent with informal use, whereby someone very knowledgeable is described as a polymath when the term is used as a noun, or polymath or polymathic when used as adjectives. It especially means that the person's knowledge is not restricted to one subject area. The term is used rarely enough to be included in dictionaries of obscure words.

A polymath may be a person who knows a great deal about several fields of study, a person who has proficiency and competence in multiple fields, or even a person who has excelled in multiple fields.

Renaissance Man and Homo Universalis are related terms to describe a person who is well educated, or who excels, in a wide variety of subjects or fields.


"José Rizal "Jose Rizal, the 19th-century polymath celebrated as the father of Philippine independence..."

Here are some of the list of other known polymaths:
List of Some Recognized Polymaths

-sources taken from

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